Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture

We're In It for Good:
A Mission With Purpose

Corteva Agriscience is committed to advancing sustainable agriculture to enrich lives and our planet for generations to come. We’ve established 14 goals to achieve by 2030 that will increase the resilience of our global food system.

Our 2030 Goals

Sustainability matters more than ever for farmers, for the land, in our communities, and in our operations. Our goals are focused on sustainable agriculture and farming, and our on-farm relationships. Learn more about each of our goals.

We're Creating Lasting Change

Our Accountability

Our Accountability

We take sustainability seriously. That's why we'll keep you up-to-date about our plans and progress in meeting our goals.

Learn More
Man Standing Amongst Sunflowers

“Our mission to lead the entire ag community towards better, more sustainable outcomes across the world is more important now than ever.”

- Jim Collins, Chief Executive Officer of Corteva Agriscience